Putting 101

Putting 101

This article aims to offer a comprehensive guide to enhancing your putting skills. Feel free to download the PDF for quick reference.


The fundamental principles of exceptional putting are straightforward in theory: identify the starting line of the putt, ensure the ball begins its journey on the line and at the correct speed. Straight forward right?



 Here are popular styles of putters with links to them on amazon.










 Putting Posture and Setup

Your posture during putting is equally significant, setting the foundation for your entire stroke. As previously discussed, your grip affects the club face alignment and your posture affects quality of strike and club path.


  1. Align your putter face with your intended start line, positioning your body parallel to this line.
  2. Tilt forward from the hips, maintaining a neutral spine posture to facilitate free rotation during your stroke.
  3. Feet shoulder width or slightly inside for comfort.
  4. Arm placement depends on your preferred putting style; positioning your arms outside the shoulder line encourages a curved swing path, while aligning them directly under the shoulders promotes a straighter path.

Ensure your setup aligns with your desired swing path. Utilize mirrors or phone cameras to assess your posture accurately.







Starting the Ball on Line

The alignment of your putter face at address and impact is crucial.

  • 80% of the ball's initial direction is controlled by the clubface. Click here for the Putting start line Training Aid
  • Make sure the alignment aid on the putter is pointing towards the target
  • Your putting grip plays a pivotal role in controlling the club face, often a stumbling block for many golfers. Click here for the best putting styles
  • Critically the putter must go through the palms of the hands to calm the clubface rotation down not the fingers like in a normal golf shot.





 For enhanced precision, invest in specialized putting aids tailored to your needs, such as the Perfect Putt Speed Trainer or a putting mirror.








Pace Control

In the next section, we'll explore strategies for controlling the pace of your putts, crucial for achieving consistent results on the green.

  • A short backswing and a longer finish will make you accelerate through impact and hit a solid putt.
  • Make sure you have a flat left wrist through impact, this creates quality strikes and consistent speed control.


Check out this video from Titleist about putting speed control


Aimpoint speed control video


Pace Control Drill


Practising distance control drill:


  1. Hit the 1st putt a few feet then every additional putt after that has to travel just beyond the previous putt.


This is a very simple but effective way to practise distance control.


  1. Another drill is to hit a putt with your eyes closed and then look for the putt when you think the ball has stopped rolling. This will give you great feedback for how hard you hit the putt and your distance/power perception.


Green Reading

  • Get as low to the ground as possible so you can see the slopes
  • Get behind the hole and see the putt from the other side
  • Image if you tipped a bucket of water – use your imagination of where the water would go.

Green Reading video by Aim Point


Green Reading Drill from Superstroke


Thank you for reading and I hope your putting improves!