Golf Exercise's

Golf Exercise has really come into focus since Tiger Woods and his work out routines and really getting into shape to help elevate his game above everyone else.

Yoga is another critical part of the game that is often overlooked, it is good to stay flexible and have soft muscles - Sam Snead could get his leg above his head still at 70 years old!!


Exercise doesn't just make you strong, it helps with injury prevention, stretching of muscles etc... and flexibility.

I am no personal trainer so seek professional advise but here are the exercise GSD try and do.

- Deadlift

- Squat

- Bench Press

- lat pull down

- Running/going for a job




6 effective exercises to get your golf game in shape in 2023

shape. That goblet, knife and fork — never mind the hours hunkered down in your desk chair while shopping online — can do a real number on your body, and, with it, your swing. Use it or lose it, as we say in the business. 

To stay injury-free and reach those lofty 2023 on-course goals, you’ll need a fitness plan to regain and improve your strength, flexibility and explosiveness. Lucky for you, we’ve put that plan together using the preferred exercises of the stable of Tour pros we work with at the Joey D Golf Sports Training Center in Jupiter, Fla. Now all you need to do is get after it like they do!

Here are six exercises to get yourself in shape this season.


1. Goblet squats

Why: When it comes to power, everything begins from the ground up — and, sorry, but power walking won’t add the power you need. A strong base is mandatory for a yardage-gobbling golf swing, and this exercise adds serious leg strength. Thanks to the band, it also activates the gluteus medius to stabilize the knee and sacroiliac joint, which links your pelvis and lower spine. 

How: Put an exercise band just above your knees. Next, set your feet shoulder-width apart and pointed straight ahead — a nice athletic posture. Take a kettlebell in both hands and hold it at the middle of your chest. Sink down to 90 degrees, as if you’re sitting in a chair, then rise back to the initial position. 

How many: Start with 6 to 8 reps, building up to 10 to 12, three to four times a week. 

Favored by: Lucas Glover


2. Hip circles with slider

Why: Excessive desk time and lack of consistent exercise can tighten up the hip muscles. This exercise increases hip mobility, which lessens the chance for injury and makes it easier to load into your right side on the backswing and unload into your left side on the downswing and follow-through. 

How: Start in a push-up position, with your hands under your shoulders. In one smooth motion, bring a leg up toward your chest, out to the side and then around, back to the original position. (Tip: A drinks coaster works well as a slider, allowing your foot to glide along the ground.) Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the exercise. 

How many: Start with 8 to 10 on each side, building up to 12 to 15, three to four times a week. 

Favored by: Jessica Korda


3. Backswing trail leg loading with band